In addition to our online web shop, "ROCK ONE", we also operate and manage artist's original online web shops and various record label's online web shops.
In addition to web-only sales, we offer the platform to sell any leftover products from venue sales for those who could not purchase on the day or attend the actual performance.

Web sales flow

  1. 01Determine the type of online web site.

    Decide what type of online site to offer items on.

    • Type 1 Create a dedicated site with all original content.
    • Type 2 Create only the top page and use the Treasures official online shop, "ROCK ONE"
    • Type 3 Create a new dedicated page and section within the Treasures official online shop, "ROCK ONE" exclusively for the items to be featured and sold.
  2. 02Once the type of online site is determined the next step is to set the sales period.

  3. 03Preparation of materials.

    Gather the material and data necessary for web site production. (Product images, artist photos, logos, etc.)

  4. 04Review the final design and layout.

    *Please note that creating an original dedicated website takes more time than the other options.

  5. 05Final confirmation of the number of sales.

    *Made-to-order sales also available.

  6. 06Sales commence

  7. 07Delivery of product to the partner warehouse by the estimated shipping date.

    *The number of days it takes to prepare for delivery varies depending on the number of units sold.

  8. 08As soon as all products are shipped, payment will be made.

    *Timing is negotiable.

When using the official online shop "ROCK ONE",
selling can commence in as little as one week.
(Depending on the situation it may take longer)

The official online web sales shop “ROCK ONE”

Depending on content, the production and management costs may vary.
Please feel free to contact us with any inquiries.